Bumped into BoiBoi
Bumped into boiboi from the gaychub irc channel during lunch today, second time in a few months, I think his office is kinda near mine *wonders*
Hmmm… not really bumped into him, I saw him but he did not see me. Like the last time, he just breezed passed me and did not notice. Why leh? Must be because he only has eyes for chubs lor. I sms him like I did the last time and suan him lor, never notice me blah blah blah and like the last time, he called back to ask how things were blah blah blah. I guess I should have stopped him to say hi but that’s an issue which I have with gay friends. When I stop them on the streets, its like how am I going to explain to my colleagues who he is etc, and also for him to explain to his colleagues.
Anyways, I did not know boiboi when I was a chub (actually I was never a chub, but I was on the overweight category). I only got to know him earlier this year, I went into the gaychub irc channel to look for my friend, started chatting with boiboi for a while, found out that he is in the same profession as myself, and so things kind of developed from there. We met for coffee and talked mostly about work.
We kind of lost touch subsequently because I have no real reason to frequent the gaychub irc channel. Anyways, told boiboi we’ll meet next week for lunch (alone) then we can catch up on what’s happening with each other. Looking forward to that.
Anyway, time for me to catch up on news of my profession anyway… am really really angry with my boss this week and I think I want to bail out of here. He sits on a decision for months and suddenly when the topic was brought up, he blamed me in front of everyone for taking so long to implement it. What a mother farking bastard.
When I tried defending myself, he just waved it off and did not see that he was at fault, typical Singaporean, points the finger at others but refuses to admit they are equally at fault. OK, OK, I’m also Singaporean and am guilty of it, but not to this blatant extent.
Essentially working here has lost its meaning, I would like my bosses (I have 2, boss and big boss) to trust me as much as I trust them, but once you break the trust, then there is no reason for loyalty, no basis for a conducive, happy working environment. >:(